Introduction of Natural Steroids – Anadrole


I think I’ll have your permission to run a few decades back, as an increasing number of people are talking about natural supplements and natural steroids.

The older ones surely know and they recall the facts. The younger ones will learn how history was made when science brought into the picture the natural alternatives to the old anabolic steroids, giving such a difficult time to all those who used them.

It’s true they offered joy, medals and pride, but was it real? You cannot claim you achieved something just because a mix of chemical substances pushed you to a supernatural level, claiming even your life after a while.

It might sound dramatic, but this is true. It’s the truth recognized by all organizations and International Athletics Organization banning the sale and use of these products for good.

Natural & Legal Steroids

Natural steroids introduced to the athletic field as alternatives to corresponding anabolic steroids offered a unique advantage.

They offered anabolic action nearly similar to anabolics, lagging only in the time necessary for showing results.

No side effects or addiction phenomena were provoked due to the natural composition of these products.

Besides, their administration was very simple with no injections required. They are available in pill form.

Legal substances requiring no medical prescription. It was something like a revolution in the field of athletics overturning everything known up to that moment.

One of these natural steroids is Anadrole, introduced as the alternative of the anabolic steroid, Anadrol.


Anadrol, like most of the anabolic steroids was presented for pure medical reasons contributing against the fight of the muscular atrophy. Its capability of developing huge muscle gains in a very short time raised the interest of many persons in the professional athletics field, where for competition reasons, the muscle bulking in short time is very important.

These were the good news for this anabolic steroid. The problems started when the first side effects made their appearance creating severe situation to the person involved.

The effects were serious and in many cases were threatened even the life of the athletes or persons using this specific product.

In a certain time as it happened with many other anabolic steroids, Anadrol was banned for use and sale.

This was the gap to be replaced by something similar. Therefore, the cooperation of science and industry produced something brand new.

The natural steroids have been introduced, with a natural composition and with no threat towards the health or the life of the user.

Anadrole, is one of them, alternative to Anadrol.

How Anadrole compares to Anadrol

Comparison between the natural steroid Anadrole (part of a series of products coming from the renown company Crazy Bulk) and the anabolic steroid Anadrol, is pretty easy and straightforward.

Anadrole, has been developed as the alternative to the anabolic steroid Anadrol, with a 100% natural composition and as a result with no side effects or addiction phenomena for its users.

In addition, due to non-inclusion of chemical substances is legal and requires no medical prescription for its purchase.

Finally, something obvious is that the chemical composition of the natural steroid, Anadrole, is different from that of the anabolic steroid Anadrol.

Detailed Analysis of Anadrole


1. What Anadrole offers to user

Anadrole, though a natural product offers a large scale of benefits to the user, justifying its title as alternative to the corresponding anabolic steroid.

The use of Anadrols enjoys

  • a higher efficiency in training followed

  • a faster recovery

  • higher strength levels

  • promotion of the user’s focus

  • reduction of the joint wear so achieving a faster recovery

  • notable muscle gains

A truly remarkable package for a natural product.

2. How Anadrole is functioning

Anadrole offers what is mentioned above acting under a certain way, since it does not rely on any chemical substances.

Let’s have a brief look on what this natural steroid is doing

Anadrol achieves most of the benefits offered, via the higher number of red blood cells in the organism, while the protein production is promoted as well, a fact very important for the bulking of muscles.

To enable this higher protein production a higher amount of nitrogen is maintained in the organism, so promoting the mentioned process of protein production.

3. The active ingredients involved

A quick reference on the ingredients assisting Anadrole to perform in the way mentioned and to offer everything presented.

Anadrole’s composition includes Acetyl L-carnitine / Soy Protein isolate / Extract of Tribulus Terrestris and Shilajit.

4. Administration method

As mentioned earlier, one of the best characteristics of natural steroids is the easy and simple administration, involving no injections and any painful phenomena afterwards.

So is Anadrole, where the user receives 2 capsules before the breakfast (about 20 minutes), or even after the training program followed.

Administration of Anadrole may be effected for 2 months continuously, as recommended by the manufacturing company, followed by a period of a break for 1,5 weeks.

Applying this period of the 2 months the user may see clear results on its muscle gain and the efficiency level.

5. Nature of gains obtained

Referring to the gains obtained by all natural steroids, a great advantage, a specific characteristic, is the nature of the gains obtained is permanent.

This is due mainly to the natural ingredients contained in these products and surely in Anadrole as well.

So any person using Anadrole may feel safe that no waste of time and effort are possible and any higher muscle mass or higher energy level stays with the user for good.

6. Summary of advantages – benefits observed

As we have examined the various significant points of this interesting natural steroid

A quick recap of what a user may expect from the use of Anadrole

  • Higher energy level – useful for training and every day life

  • Impressive muscle mass gain (here remember that Anadrole is a natural product and not a chemical substance)

  • Better mental function resulting to a clearer focus (the user concentrates on its goals and commitments in an easier and more targeted way)

  • The recovery time is reduced – so no training absence is possible due to injuries

It’s a fact that Anadrole is a valuable alternative of the anabolic steroid Anadrol, creating at the same time a safe environment of no side or addiction effects.

7. Where to find it – Its price

Anadrole is available via its official webpage (CrazyBulk) only at internet and no in any other stores or retail platforms.

A single pack of Anadrole is available at a discounted price of $ 64.99, sufficient for 1-month treatment (starting price $ 54.9, a saving of $ 10.00).


The order of 2 packs gives to the buyer one FREE pack more at a discounted price of $ 109.98). The offer includes 8 complete nutrition and exercise guides for more information on the goals pursued.

Final Thoughts


Anadrole, a natural steroid comes as the alternative of the anabolic steroid Anadrol.

No real comparison is possible as these are two completely different products.

Anadrol is a natural substance, legal and safe, not creating any fears about side or addiction effects.

Achieves nearly similar results to the anabolic steroid Anadrol, requiring a slightly higher time for visible results.

No medical prescription is required and its administration – unlike Anadrol – is simple and straightforward by receiving 2 capsules every day.

It is recommended for a continuous use of 2 months for producing a better level of results.

Anadrol is boosting the energy level of the user for a better and more efficient performance and results.

I think it’s exactly what a user engaged in a training program is looking for, offering no false claims or promises not possible to be achieved.

Its continuous use creates no problems; however, the company suggests a period of 2 continuous months of use followed by a short break of 1.5 weeks.


Q: Is Anadrole similar to Anadrol?

A: Not at all. Anadrole is a natural steroid, created as an alternative to anabolic steroid Anadrol.

Q: Are these two different completely?

A: Anadrol’s chemical composition has nothing to do with that of Anadrole.

Q: Will I have any effects?

A: Anadrol due to its natural composition presents no side effects whatsoever.

Q: Will I have any results?

A: Results produced by Anadrol are almost similar to those observed with the use of Anadrol, only lagging by a short time for being visible.

Q: Is it easy to find it?

A: Yes. Anadrol is available in its official webpage, along with some amazing special offers.

Q: When I can see results?

A The manufacturing company suggests a period of 2 months continuous use for having the best results from its use.



  • This article is published only for informational purposes and does not contain any kind of medical advice.
  • The supplement’s effect may vary from person to person individually; therefore it is suggested to consult your physician before ordering any kind of supplement.
  • People under PTSD treatment/medication are advised to double-check the compatibility with any kind of supplementation.
  • In case of any side effects, stop the consumption and consult the nearest doctor immediately.
  • Maintaining the proper diet and hitting the gym, is regarded as one of the best practices to improve your muscle condition and build the body you desire.