Here we are again! Another diet in the world scene and we thought it would be good to analyze what’s new in a trendy diet that has become so popular among men and women.

Called F-Factor Diet it’s a “fresh” proposal for a pleasant weight loss.

During the years, you have heard, read or even tried various weight loss methods, diet programs, hardcore diets or tricks for the so-called “fast weight loss”.

You were finally disappointed with most of them, as sometimes were bringing poor results, while in other cases they were so strict that it was impossible for someone to follow their program successfully for a long time.

The truth is that all these “diets” have failed for one reason only, not because you have done something wrong, but because they were not based on any reality, or on any scientific truth so to create the conditions for bringing results.

The F-Factor Diet we host in this article today is another nutritional program being presented around the world, surprising everyone, not only for the revolutionary and liberating method followed, but also for the very good results achieved in the processes of weight and fat loss.

F-Factor Diet – what it is


The F-Factor diet being a new proposition in weight loss proves to be a more scientific approach, offering a more “sustainable” suggestion for rapid weight loss.

The rules of the F-Factor Diet are easy and sustainable, this being the reason for making it so popular among millions of dieters.

Honestly speaking it is not something new, however in the last 5-6 years, it seems that the popularity of this program has reached sky high.

The F-Factor diet has been around for more than 20 years. For many years, however, people turned to other programs – harder, stricter, with “faster” results – but as expected, even if fast results were in hand, the diet remained unsuccessful due to the restrictions applied.

In recent years, it seems that people returned to another way of life, with a healthier attitude on eating and living in general, something quite encouraging & hopeful.

A healthy eating plan – such as the F-Factor Diet – may achieve longer lasting or even permanent weight loss results, but also (most important) a healthier body and a happier person.

How F-Factor diet works

Like any diet plan, the F-Factor Diet has its own rules, which reveal a weight loss program very different from all the others on the market.

Its rules are more “tempting”, since they do not restrict you, neither are depriving you of things, leaving you hungry.

Below we see the rules, as we continue analyzing exactly how this program works and achieves the desired weight and fat loss.

The rules:

  • Consumption of carbs allowed.
  • Drinking alcohol permitted.
  • Free to eat in restaurants or order food.
  • Lower exercise effort allowed.
  • No guilty feelings in case of consuming favorite food (as pasta or pizza).

Sounds strange to eat what you want and eventually lose weight, but it is quite possible with the right management.

Many diets providing a relative nutritional freedom, require in return an exhausting workout program to balance the calorie intake.

Finally, how the F-Factor program works?

How is possible to achieve weight loss without many restrictions and with no exhausting physical exercise?

Here is the secret of this program.

The F-Factor diet accepts a common belief (scientifically proved): The combination of protein (lean form) with carbohydrates (high in fiber) can enhance the feeling of fullness felt after a meal, as well as extend it for longer period, resulting in avoiding unnecessary meals / calories and ultimately more effective appetite control.

According to the experts – the psychological factor also plays a big role in the success of this particular weight loss program.

The most “flexible” diet proposal proposed by the F-Factor Diet (without many restrictions and deprivations) helps maintain a good & healthy psychology of the individual, ultimately remaining  determined & more focused on its ultimate goal.

Is this a “Healthy” Way To Lose Weight?


Unlike many other weight loss programs, the F-Factor Diet program is not asking the person involved to “starve”, so based on a more “human” approach to weight loss.

NO “inhuman” deprivations.

It does not lead to irrationally low calorie intake.

It does not forbid consumption of your favorite foods (whatever this is).

It does not forbid sweets.

It does not prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

It does not dictate exhaustive training.

It does not force you not to eat in restaurants.

In short, it allows you a normal life with delicious pleasures.

So it’s obvious that this is a more enjoyable program followed for long periods without any difficulty and more important – without frustration.

Nevertheless, how such a “free” program may activate your metabolism to burn excess fat and lose kilos and points from your body?

It’s a reasonable question, so let’s see what really happens with this diet.

The secret to this program’s success is “hidden” in the right combination of foods added on your plate.

It is not so important to exclude foods, as to combine them in the most correct and beneficial way for the organism.

For example, by eliminating carbohydrates from your diet, you only succeed in “running out of energy” and feeling a constant and unreasonable fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

On the contrary, by consuming carbohydrates rich in fiber (and lower in calories) combined with high nutritional value proteins (low in fat), significantly better results may be achieved.

The organism gets all the necessary amounts of energy required, while at the same time a longer lasting feeling of fullness and absolute functionality are allowed.

We could say that the “Mediterranean Diet” is another application of this nutritional model, which – proclaimed by nutritionists worldwide – as a model of healthy nutrition, wellness & longevity.

Consumption of high amounts of fiber from whole grain products and fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, roots favors the digestive function and enhances the organism’s good metabolic work.

Why is fiber significant in every healthy eating model?

Let’s see what fiber consumption offers to organism, and why a diet like the F-Factor Diet or the Mediterranean Diet – though not imposing many restrictions – have such great success in healthy weight loss.

  • promotes digestive function
  • regulates cholesterol levels
  • promotes weight loss
  • fights bloating
  • fights indigestion
  • help regulate blood sugar
  • helps to achieve a healthy defecation (fight diarrhea or constipation)
  • improves the body’s energy reserves
  • enhances sexual performance (by giving ample access to niacin)
  • increases performance in physical exercise
  • improves the mood / psychology of the person
  • offers longevity and wellness
  • promotes good & quality sleep

The Basic Stages of the F-Factor Diet


This nutritional program divided into several basic stages with each one serving a different purpose and differing slightly in its rules, for achieving this purpose.

Therefore, we would say that the F-Factor diet – like most diet programs – has 3 basic stages.

1st stage: Preparation Stage of the organism for weight loss

2nd stage: Mass Weight Loss

3rd stage: Maintenance

The first stage works as a start, to integrate the organism in this different discipline, but also, in general, in a different way of living and thinking. As an introduction to new dietary rules – healthier – and “training” to treat food differently than it used to.

In the 2nd stage – with no time limit – the person is called to gradually lose the body weight set as its initial goal. This stage ends with the final goal achieved.

Finally – and after achieving the desired body weight – follows the 3rd stage (the most important), the maintenance stage. This stage is followed forever in order to maintain your body weight at the desired point, this being one of the reasons why most diet programs fail.

The maintenance stage is the most important so that you do not regain the kilos you managed to lose.

However, a program of exhaustive deprivations & prohibitions cannot be implemented for a long time, so it ultimately fails.

On the contrary, the F-Factor Diet program is more flexible and user-friendly aiming at its lifelong monitoring. This is a healthy eating plan not imposing outrageous restrictions and not depriving any “joy” and “enjoyment” of real food.

What’s the ratio of Carbohydrates and Fiber required daily?

The fiber and carbohydrates required daily vary depending on the stage of the diet.

You will seek a different composition of carbohydrates & fiber in the period of weight loss, and surely different, in the period of maintenance.

This is obvious.

Therefore, the basic rules regarding the consumption of carbohydrates & fiber in the meals:

1st stage: 35 grams of fiber & 35 grams of carbohydrates

2nd stage: 35 grams of fiber (or more) & up to 75 grams of carbohydrates

3rd stage: at least 35 grams of fiber (or much more) & up to 75 grams of carbohydrates

The above amounts refer to daily intake (i.e. to all meals per day) and not to individual meals.



The F-Factor Diet works as a weight loss diet, but mainly as a healthy nutritional plan for wellness and proper functioning of the organism, aiming at longevity of the individual and dealing with many & serious health issues caused by the bad lifestyle.

It does not forbid anything and does not create a feeling of missing certain foods in the user. This is the most important.

It is a program which a person can follow for life, based on scientific assumptions, not being an unfounded theory of weight loss.