Increase your HGH Levels – Introduction

Today, in our regular review, we host an article on the increase of HGH.

As many people have problems with the acronyms, let’s make clear what these initials are standing for.

The HGH – Human Growth Hormone – perhaps with testosterone two of the most critical and significant hormones of the human organism, presents a similar problem to testosterone.

Though it helps a lot to the human growth especially during the childhood and adolescence years, its value starts declining after a certain age, creating a number of problems on the organism and its function.

Like testosterone needs a certain treatment to return to its normal values so to continue providing the necessary assistance to the organism.

The assistance is possible either by providing chemical substances … or natural compounds.


Our continuous attitude is to avoid the use of any chemicals in the organism as this could create serious adverse effects.

We are always dealing with natural products, so we’ll do the same in this case as well.

To tell the entire truth to our readers we have to mention that certainly the physical methods or ingredients do not have the same intensity compared to that of the chemical substances.

The problem has always been that any chemical substances present risks and severe side effects, causing problems to the organism on a temporary or permanent basis.

This is the main reason for avoiding anything chemical and opting for the natural.

Surely, we sacrifice the degree of intensity or the response time, but as they say better safe than sorry.

Our bottom line on this matter is we do not use something just for the impression of the moment and we regret it later, when it’s too late to change or fix the harm caused.

Below, we meet this important hormone and find out a few more details on its important role and action.

HGH – Characteristics – Deficiency

Prior to proceeding to more specific parameters or properties of this hormone, we’ll have to clear a basic fact. HGH is a hormone produced by the human organism assisting to overall growth of any person during its early childhood years and going through its adolescence.

Organically, as mentioned above, starts presenting lower values, creating a number of specific problems to the organism and its function.


However, a second point requiring a further explanation is that by assisting its increase and return to its normal values we do not mean of introducing ready made HGH to organism but we are trying to boost its values with the use of normal ingredients.

The importance of having the normal values of this hormone throughout our lifetime is that this is responsible for the regulation and control of significant functions and organs so we cannot accept the lower values obtained after a certain age.

Any change on the values of HGH at first could bring an upset on the final form of the body physical characteristics of a human being.

As we proceed further, the energy levels start being lower, metabolic rate is also declining and a number of mental functions like focus, concentration, etc,. do not perform in a good way.

The problem with lower values during childhood is a problem immediately demonstrated in the childhood and needs close attention for protecting the growth of the human body.

The other problems starting around the age of 30 and higher are those marking the beginning of the older age in a person and have a number of phenomena warning about this phenomenon.

Referring to the most characteristic of them we could mention, i) tendency to obesity ii) a change on the bone density iii) a phenomena like menopause (for women) and andropause (for men), iv) a general fatigue feeling not justified v) loose muscles vi) a very low or non existing muscle development vii) mental problems like lack of concentration, no right focus, etc, viii) an increase in the body fat mass

All these are caused or provoked by the lack of the normal HGH values, creating various problem with an increasing intensity depending on the senior years of a person.

Certainly, the coming of the old age could be delayed by maintaining HGH on the proper normal values, so securing the right function of all vital organs in the human organism.

In the modern years, this is possible with the use of natural supplements assisting on the boosting of the hormone.

Below we can see a table with the top natural supplements used for this purpose.

HGH – Top Natural Supplements for Boosting HGH







HGH – X2







The natural supplements listed above are a good example of the right products to assist the HGH levels to be restored on the required levels necessary for the organism.

Further, down we see a number of methods to help the HGH levels in the organism be on good levels again.

These methods refer to certain actions followed so HGH could be assisted in a natural way.

Natural Methods Assisting HGH Levels


As mentioned with every supplement reviewed, one of the most important parts for taking the maximum action of a supplement is the nutritional program followed.

In a similar way, the action of HGH may be assisted by a carefully structured diet program rich in certain ingredients.

Let’s have a look at a number of foods whose the consumption provides good support and assistance on restoring HGH levels

  1. FOODS containing melatonin

  1. FOODS rich in vitamin D

  1. FOODS capable of promoting serotonin

  1. FOODS containing L-Glutamine in high quantities

  1. FOODS containing L-ornithine

  1. FOODS with Dopamine in their composition

  1. FOODS rich in L-Arginine

  1. FOODS containing high quantities in Omega 3

To further help our readers here are information on which foods contain the above ingredients.

Melatonin is contained in – Bananas, tomatoes, oats, pineapples, coral, berries, nuts, whole grains, spinach, basil, lettuce

Vitamin D is traced in – Oily fish, nuts, enriched dairy products, eggs, beef liver, mushrooms, natural orange juice

Serotonin boosters are – dark chocolate, oily fish, eggs, cheese, pineapple, banana, walnuts, pecans, tomatoes, pasta, pastries

L-Glutamin is contained in – fish, meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, spinach

L-Ornithine is traced in fish, poultry, soy beans, eggs, red meat

Dopamine is traced in dairy, eggs, pork, poultry, beef, nuts, bananas

L-Arginine is contained in red meat, poultry, nuts, legumes, seafood, dairy, seeds, oatmeal

Omega-3 is found in olive oil, fatty fish, nuts, coconut oil


Q: What is the HGH hormone?

A: HGH is one of the most important human hormones responsible for the human body growth

Q: Is there a problem if HGH levels are not normal?

A: Yes. In fact, there is a serious problem as many organs cannot function in the proper way, while other processes cannot be controlled in a right way

Q: Where HGH helps?

A: HGH boosts the testosterone levels and controls a number of organs on their function

Q: How we help the poor HGH levels?

A: There are two ways. One is by using certain supplements of natural way, while the second one refers to following a specific diet rich in a number of ingredients.

Final Thoughts

The HGH hormone was extensively reviewed for explaining the significance of maintaining its levels.

The problems of a low level HGH were also indicated.

A number of natural supplements mentioned assist the HGH hormone to regain its normal values.

Natural method for restoring HGH levels is possible via a nutritional plan including foods rich in certain ingredients.


  • Their effect may vary from person to person individually; therefore it is suggested to consult your physician before ordering any kind of supplement.
  • People under PTSD treatment/medication are advised to double-check the compatibility with any kind of supplementation.
  • In case of any side effects, stop the consumption and consult the nearest doctor immediately.