A variety of theories on boosting a person’s immune system, some based on scientific basis and documentation, while others rely on tradition.

As always, there are truths and lies.

For protecting your health, it would be necessary to have good information on the real situation, that is, what helps to protect your organism from dangerous viruses and germs, what creates a risk and finally what is really a waste of time.

The immune system is a complex system of organism cells “working” non-stop 24 hours a day to maintain the organism healthy, strong and functional.

It is committed to “fighting” against all sorts of viruses, germs, bacteria, fungi, parasites, diseases, pollutants, stress, discomfort and generally against anything harming your organism’s functioning and endangering your health (even your own life)

It’s of no use of going any further. We all know what the immune system does and how important it is, having also heard some things of what helps and prevents our immune system from functioning properly.

Below we find all the truth.

True and False Statements and Beliefs


FALSE : We are all born with an equally strong & healthy immune system.

This has no basis of truth. Every new life coming into the world has a unique genetic map (even geography-genetics play a role on this, according to ScienceDaily). There are babies coming into the world with a defective immune system (immune deficiency), affecting greatly their later life.

This person’s organism does not have the same power initially to fight the threats received from the environment, being at a greater risk of getting sick from any disease.

Furthermore, a person born with a perfectly healthy immune system does not mean it will not be sick in the course of its life.

External factors may disrupt the proper functioning of an immune system by causing serious disorders.

Stress, diabetes, poor nutrition, are conditions affecting adversely the immune system’s functioning, causing health problems (severe or mild).

TRUE : Fruits & Vegetables help in getting a strong immune system.

This is true, known since we were young children. Our parents were always trying to make us consume a fruit or vegetable (not really liked by kids).

There are serious scientific studies proving the necessity of eating fruits and vegetables in our daily diet. It’s not an exaggeration. Most of our meals should consist of fruits and vegetables (of a variety in nutritional value).

In this way, our organism receives a wide range of vitamins, nutrients & valuable fiber, beneficial antioxidants helping on the fight of various diseases and organism disorders.

The more food colors in your plate, the more different vitamins you will be able to get. A “rainbow” dish will provide you with extensive protection from a multitude of diseases.

In general terms, however quaint it may sound, we have to say that diet -indisputably- plays a key role in building- up our immune system (“mom’s advice” but still relevant as underlined by WebMD)!

FALSE : I can fight any disease with dietary supplements & vitamins.


This is not really the case. A quality multivitamin will definitely help you meet a wide range of your organism’s daily needs.

However, that alone is not enough. A nutritional supplement can in no way substitute a balanced diet.

Many of the vitamins we take are water-soluble. This practically means that they are not able to be stored in the body, being eliminated via the urine. This is why many small healthy meals are necessary in the day. This way you supply the body with a small amount of vitamins and nutrients currently utilized.

TRUE : Sleep helps strengthen the immune system.

Sleep, in general, has everything concerning the human health, always talking about the right quality sleep.

A balanced sleep routine helps the organism to rest while it builds a strong immune system. The explanation, as reported in a Mayo Clinic‘s article, has to do with the proteins called cytokines -released during sleep-who play a key protective role. On the contrary, long-term lack of sleep (or poor quality sleep) is followed by health problems.

The average adult needs about 8 hours of good night’s sleep for maintaining the organism healthy & functional.

Occasional episodes of insomnia are not a cause for concern. The problem starts being serious when this phenomenon becomes chronic.

In this case, medical supervision and appropriate treatment (recommended by the doctor) will be required.

FALSE : The fight of diseases is possible by taking antibiotics only.

A large majority of people adopt this view. The unnecessary use of antibiotics instead of strengthening the body and immune system produces just the opposite result, as many studies have shown, the body seems to get used to them, eventually weakening the immune system.

This delays their action over time (when is necessary to act immediately), while also is reducing the physical effect of the inert immune system.

So the solution is to avoid antibiotics? We only use antibiotics when the doctor deems it as necessary, as neither their continuous reception nor their unreasonable use is a solution. Both of these extreme situations may create serious health risks.

TRUE : Exercise promotes the proper functioning of the body and its immune system.


Exercise (as well as proper nutrition and quality sleep) is the right program for a strong organism.

Regular physical activity (not necessarily intense or long term) keeps the immune system healthy and strong, forcing the entire organism into a physical activity.

In fact, although physical activity does not rely to the immune system directly, it seems to offer many indirect benefits (numerous researches have focused on the “compelling link between physical activity and the body’s defense system) .

The cardiovascular, the digestive, the lymphatic, the muscular, the nervous, and the brain systems, work better with a few minutes of daily exercise.

FALSE : During infancy / childhood, the immune system has not taken its final form; therefore, a sterile environment is required for a child.

Surely, this cannot be true. Maintaining a child in a sterile environment (away from all kinds of germs) prevents the immune system’s “workout” and strengthening.

So when finally (at an older age) comes across a germ, its body will not know how to react and its health will be at danger.

You don’t need to over-sterilize everything that a child meets. It is important to keep the basic rules of hygiene but with no exaggeration.

TRUE : A healthy organism cannot always cope with an illness or infection on its own.

Indeed, in many cases, the organism undertakes fully the resistance against viruses, bacteria, or diseases.

However, this is not always possible. Even a perfectly healthy person with a well functioning immune system may at times be unable to withstand a large number of powerful pathogens.

Usually these diseases are chronic, not accompanied by distorted immune tests, which do not leave a clear picture of the individual’s true condition.

Sexually transmitted diseases are such a similar case of chronic illness “overwhelming” the immune system, making the individual extremely vulnerable.

In most cases as this one, appropriate medication, as well as regular medical monitoring is required.

FALSE : You understand a weak immune system from a variety of symptoms (such as headache, discomfort, abdominal pain, heart pain).


This has no scientific basis and is not true. Indeed, the above symptoms can often indicate a more serious illness or dysfunction of the body.

However, this does not necessarily mean that they are associated with a weak or defective immune system.

Usually the organism’s immune deficiency is manifested by other (more particular) symptoms. The person with a weakened immune system tends to have frequent colds throughout the year (more than 4-5 times) while each of these times these last longer than normal (i.e. more than 15 days).

The person often has high fever, chronic illnesses, recurrent infectious diseases and susceptibility to specific pathogens.

TRUE : Good psychology helps to build a strong organism

Yes! An uplifted attitude, positive psychology and a good mood in our daily lives can help us maintain a healthy organism.

Stress, anxiety, and generally negative emotions, serve as poison to our organism.

There are studies showing that psychology is highly correlated with a person’s general health. After all, good psychology is also an essential ingredient for a healthy organism.

FALSE : Vaccines are unnecessary and endanger the person’s health.

A huge mistake. In general, views on vaccination appear to be divergent. There are two contradictory views dividing individuals into 2 basic categories.

Those who are “in favor” and those “against” vaccination. The remarkable thing is that both sides seem to have equally strong view shown.

In most cases, vaccines form no hazard, causing no (at least minor only) side effects.

Most of the times even the right vaccination can save lives.

However, there are cases where vaccination has actually caused serious problems for an individual. Sometimes it is either due to health problems or due to other reasons that should be reported to the doctor prior to vaccination.

There are certain conditions where vaccination is contraindicated, while there are cases where it is necessary.

The right approach is to provide the right information. Only a specialist can safely answer what is best for you.

In any case, the medical doctor should be well informed about your medical history.

FALSE : Allergies are a sign of a weak immune system.


Probably the opposite holds true. Allergies usually indicate an overreaction of immune system to environmental stimuli.

In other words, the organism reacts to something of little importance as it would react to its most dangerous enemy.

Nevertheless, this ultimately has very serious implications for the individual’s organism and health.

The constant “battle” of the organism with anything, eventually weakens it and damages its overall health.

TRUE : Can a dietary supplement Boost your Immune System ?

Yes ! But only a good one !

Our proposal for a strong immune system is IMMUNE DEFENCE !
